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Wixey App Download

Download WixeyTalk app for Smart Angle Gauge WR300BT for your iPhone or Android phone (available for FREE)
sample android WixeyTalk
The WixeyTalk App works in conjunction with the Wixey WR300BT Digital Angle Gauge with Bluetooth output. It turns your iPhone, iPad or Android phone into a remote visual display and provides a talking output designed specifically for visually impaired individuals. When the App is launched it automatically connects with your WR300BT. If you do not have a WR300BT Digital Angle Gauge you can use WixeyTalk in simulation mode. It turns your iPhone, iPad or Android phone into a fully functioning standalone digital angle gauge
Apple iPhone users
> Download WixeyTalk app on Apple's App Store   download on the App Store
Android users
Android app is not yet available on Google Play store, but you can manually install on your phone following the instruction below.

Step 1: Download the app

You can scan the QR code on the right or
> Download from this link if you are accessing from your Android phone



  qr code to download Wixey app on Android


Step 2: Accept download

You will get a warning message such as "File might be harmful", which is a default Android message for any app that is not yet registered on the Play Store.

Select "Download anyway" to continue.



Step 3: Open the download file

Select "Open" from the popup message



Step 4: Install the app

Select "Install" from the popup message



Step 5: Allow to connect

Select "Allow" from the popup message. This will allow your app to connect to the angle gauge. Be sure to enable Bluetooth.